• 1

    Composer: GOUNOD, Work: Faust - Dio dell'or, del mondo Signor!, Performer: Enrico Vannuccini, bass, Date: 1911-01-01

    Catalogue: Gray

    • CatNum: A 82620 ?
    • Date: 1911-01-01
    • Label: Odéon
    • Composer: GOUNOD
    • Title: Faust - Dio dell'or, del mondo Signor!
    • Issue_78_45: A 82620 ?
    • Num: Mo 764
    • Performer: Enrico Vannuccini, bass
  • 2

    Composer: PUCCINI, Work: La bohème - Vecchia zimarra, senti, Performer: Enrico Vannuccini, bass, Date: 1911-01-01

    Catalogue: Gray

    • CatNum: A 82666
    • Date: 1911-01-01
    • Label: Odéon
    • Composer: PUCCINI
    • Title: La bohème - Vecchia zimarra, senti
    • Issue_78_45: A 82666
    • Num: Mo 767
    • Performer: Enrico Vannuccini, bass
  • 3

    Composer: VERDI, Work: Don Carlo - Ella giammai m'amò!, Performer: Enrico Vannuccini, bass, Date: 1911-01-01

    Catalogue: Gray

    • CatNum: A 82619
    • Date: 1911-01-01
    • Label: Odéon
    • Composer: VERDI
    • Title: Don Carlo - Ella giammai m'amò!
    • Issue_78_45: A 82619
    • Num: Mo unknown
    • Performer: Enrico Vannuccini, bass
  • 4

    Composer: GOUNOD, Work: Faust - Tu che fai l'addormentata, Performer: Enrico Vannuccini, bass, Date: 1911-01-01

    Catalogue: Gray

    • CatNum: A 82618
    • Date: 1911-01-01
    • Label: Odéon
    • Composer: GOUNOD
    • Title: Faust - Tu che fai l'addormentata
    • Issue_78_45: A 82618
    • Performer: Enrico Vannuccini, bass
  • 5

    Composer: ROSSINI, Work: Il barbiere di Sivigila (The barber of Seville) - La calunnia è un venticello, Performer: Enrico Vannuccini, bass, Date: 1911-01-01

    Catalogue: Gray

    • CatNum: X 110129
    • Date: 1911-01-01
    • Label: Fonotipia
    • Composer: ROSSINI
    • Title: Il barbiere di Sivigila (The barber of Seville) - La calunnia è un venticello
    • Issue_78_45: X 110129
    • Performer: Enrico Vannuccini, bass
  • 6

    Composer: PONCHIELLI, Work: I promessi sposi - Al tuo trono, Performer: Enrico Vannuccini, bass, Date: 1911-01-01

    Catalogue: Gray

    • CatNum: X 110130
    • Date: 1911-01-01
    • Label: Fonotipia
    • Composer: PONCHIELLI
    • Title: I promessi sposi - Al tuo trono
    • Issue_78_45: X 110130
    • Performer: Enrico Vannuccini, bass
    • Notes: PROMESSI SPOSI (Amilcare Ponchielli / Alessandro Manzoni): Al tuo trono
  • 7

    Composer: VERDI, Work: Ernani - Cavatina (Silva) Infelice!... e tuo credevi, Performer: Enrico Vannuccini, bass, Date: 1911-01-01

    Catalogue: Gray

    • CatNum: X 110127
    • Date: 1911-01-01
    • Label: Fonotipia
    • Composer: VERDI
    • Title: Ernani - Cavatina (Silva) Infelice!... e tuo credevi
    • Issue_78_45: X 110127
    • Num: xM
    • Performer: Enrico Vannuccini, bass
  • 8

    Composer: BELLINI, Work: I puritani - Cinta di fiori (Romanza di Giorgio), Performer: Enrico Vannuccini, bass, Date: 1911-01-01

    Catalogue: Gray

    • CatNum: X 110128
    • Date: 1911-01-01
    • Label: Fonotipia
    • Composer: BELLINI
    • Title: I puritani - Cinta di fiori (Romanza di Giorgio)
    • Issue_78_45: X 110128
    • Num: xM
    • Performer: Enrico Vannuccini, bass
    • Notes: PURITANI DI SCOZIA (Vincenzo Bellini / Carlo Pepoli): Cinta di fiori (Romanza di Giorgio)
  • 9

    Composer: VERDI, Work: Atilla - Mentre gonfiarsi l'anima <1>, Performer: Enrico Vannuccini, bass, Date: 1911-01-01

    Catalogue: Gray

    • CatNum: X 110159
    • Date: 1911-01-01
    • Label: Fonotipia
    • Composer: VERDI
    • Title: Atilla - Mentre gonfiarsi l'anima <1>
    • Issue_78_45: X 110159
    • Num: xM
    • Performer: Enrico Vannuccini, bass
  • 10

    Composer: VERDI, Work: Atilla - Oltre a quel limite <2>, Performer: Enrico Vannuccini, bass, Date: 1911-01-01

    Catalogue: Gray

    • CatNum: X 110160
    • Date: 1911-01-01
    • Label: Fonotipia
    • Composer: VERDI
    • Title: Atilla - Oltre a quel limite <2>
    • Issue_78_45: X 110160
    • Num: xM
    • Performer: Enrico Vannuccini, bass