Search Results for A M LABINSKY (as A M LABANOV)
Work: Vo piru byla, russkaya pesnya, Performer: A M LABINSKY (as A M LABANOV), Date: -7-01
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: A M LABINSKY (as A M LABANOV)
- Venue: St Petersburg
- CatNum: 22439
- Num: 3046a
- Date: -7-01
- Title: Vo piru byla, russkaya pesnya
- Note: [At the feast there was ..., Russian song]
Work: a) Ah, ty seni; b) Vozle rechki, Performer: A M LABINSKY (as A M LABANOV), Date: -7-01
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: A M LABINSKY (as A M LABANOV)
- Venue: St Petersburg
- CatNum: 22393
- Num: 3047a
- Date: -7-01
- Title: a) Ah, ty seni; b) Vozle rechki
- Note: [a) The new entrance hall; b) Beside the stream]
Work: Kak vo malenkoy derevne, russkaya pesnya, Performer: A M LABINSKY (as A M LABANOV), Date: -7-01
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: A M LABINSKY (as A M LABANOV)
- Venue: St Petersburg
- CatNum: 22412
- Num: 3048a
- Date: -7-01
- Title: Kak vo malenkoy derevne, russkaya pesnya
- Note: [As once in a little village, Russian song]
Work: Nauchit tebya, Vanyusha, russkaya pesnya, Performer: A M LABINSKY (as A M LABANOV), Date: -7-01
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: A M LABINSKY (as A M LABANOV)
- Venue: St Petersburg
- CatNum: 22392
- Num: 3049a
- Date: -7-01
- Title: Nauchit tebya, Vanyusha, russkaya pesnya
- Note: [Do you want me to teach you, Vanyusha? Russian song]
Composer: Konsky, Work: Chto zamolknula moya ptashechka, russkiy romans Konsky, Performer: A M LABINSKY (as A M LABANOV), Date: -7-01
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: A M LABINSKY (as A M LABANOV)
- Venue: St Petersburg
- CatNum: 22397
- Num: 3050a
- Date: -7-01
- Title: Chto zamolknula moya ptashechka, russkiy romans
- Composer: Konsky
- Note: [When my birdie stopped singing, Russian romance]
Work: Vo luzyakh, russkaya pesnya, Performer: A M LABINSKY (as A M LABANOV), Date: -7-01
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: A M LABINSKY (as A M LABANOV)
- Venue: St Petersburg
- CatNum: 22405
- Num: 3051a
- Date: -7-01
- Title: Vo luzyakh, russkaya pesnya
- Note: [On the meadows, Russian song]