Search Results for M I VAVICH
Composer: Vilinsky, Work: Korol: Zachem, o Kristel?Vilinsky[The King: Why, o Christel? (interpolated number)], Performer: M I VAVICH, Date: 28-1-10
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M I VAVICH
- Head: o
- CatNum: 4-22064
- Num: 14172
- Date: 28-1-10
- Title: Korol: Zachem, o Kristel?
- Composer: Vilinsky
- Trans: [The King: Why, o Christel? (interpolated number)]
Composer: Holländer, Work: Korol: Naivna, mila (vstavnaya ariya korolya)Holländer[The King: Naive and pretty (interpolated aria of the king)], Performer: M I VAVICH, Date: 28-1-10
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M I VAVICH
- Head: o
- CatNum: 4-22092
- Num: 14173
- Date: 28-1-10
- Title: Korol: Naivna, mila (vstavnaya ariya korolya)
- Composer: Holländer
- Trans: [The King: Naive and pretty (interpolated aria of the king)]
Composer: Valentinov, Work: V volnakh strastey: Ariya Mikhaila, A3 - Ty vidish, ty slyshishValentinov[On Waves of Passion: You see, you hear], Performer: M I VAVICH, Date: 28-1-10
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M I VAVICH
- Head: o
- CatNum: 4-22077
- Num: 14174
- Date: 28-1-10
- Title: V volnakh strastey: Ariya Mikhaila, A3 - Ty vidish, ty slyshish
- Composer: Valentinov
- Trans: [On Waves of Passion: You see, you hear]
Composer: Shilovsky, Work: Razstalis' my, tzyganskiy romansShilovsky[We parted, Gipsy romance], Performer: M I VAVICH, Date: 8-2-10
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M I VAVICH
- Head: p
- CatNum: 4-22089
- Num: 14223
- Date: 8-2-10
- Title: Razstalis' my, tzyganskiy romans
- Composer: Shilovsky
- Trans: [We parted, Gipsy romance]
Composer: R.Z., Work: A po utry ona vnov' ulybalas (iz repertuara Letushey Myshi)R.Z.[But in the morning she smiled again (from The Bat Theatre Repertoire) (Music R.Z.)], Performer: M I VAVICH, Date: 8-2-10
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M I VAVICH
- Head: p
- CatNum: 4-22090
- Num: 14224
- Date: 8-2-10
- Title: A po utry ona vnov' ulybalas (iz repertuara Letushey Myshi)
- Composer: R.Z.
- Trans: [But in the morning she smiled again (from The Bat Theatre Repertoire) (Music R.Z.)]
Composer: Ivanov, Work: Kogda b ya mog, kogda b ya smel, romansIvanov[If I could, if I dared, Romance], Performer: M I VAVICH, Date: 8-2-10
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M I VAVICH
- Head: p
- CatNum: 4-22091
- Num: 14225
- Date: 8-2-10
- Title: Kogda b ya mog, kogda b ya smel, romans
- Composer: Ivanov
- Trans: [If I could, if I dared, Romance]
Composer: Lehár, Work: Tzyganskaya Lyubov': Pesnya Mikhaila - Ya starLehár[Gipsy Love: I am old, Michael’s song], Performer: M I VAVICH, Date: 15-10-10
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M I VAVICH
- Head: o
- CatNum: 4-22108
- Num: 14991
- Date: 15-10-10
- Title: Tzyganskaya Lyubov': Pesnya Mikhaila - Ya star
- Composer: Lehár
- Trans: [Gipsy Love: I am old, Michael’s song]
Composer: Gurevich, Work: Pochemu ya bezumno lyublyu? Tzyganskiy romansGurevich[Why do I love you so much? Gipsy romance], Performer: M I VAVICH, Date: 2-10-11
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M I VAVICH
- CatNum: 4-22267
- Num: 15914
- Date: 2-10-11
- Title: Pochemu ya bezumno lyublyu? Tzyganskiy romans
- Composer: Gurevich
- Trans: [Why do I love you so much? Gipsy romance]
Composer: Oskner, Work: Ne tron menya, tzyganskiy romansOskner[Don't touch me! Gipsy romance], Performer: M I VAVICH, Date: 2-10-11
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M I VAVICH
- CatNum: 4-22272
- Num: 15915
- Date: 2-10-11
- Title: Ne tron menya, tzyganskiy romans
- Composer: Oskner
- Trans: [Don't touch me! Gipsy romance]
Composer: K Augustov, Work: Okovi lyubi, romansK Augustov[The fetters of love, Romance], Performer: M I VAVICH, Date: 2-10-11
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M I VAVICH
- Num: 15916
- Date: 2-10-11
- Title: Okovi lyubi, romans
- Composer: K Augustov
- Trans: [The fetters of love, Romance]
Composer: Oppel, Work: Zabyli vy, romansOppel[You have forgotten, Romance, Performer: M I VAVICH, Date: 2-10-11
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M I VAVICH
- CatNum: 4-22299
- Num: 15917
- Date: 2-10-11
- Title: Zabyli vy, romans
- Composer: Oppel
- Trans: [You have forgotten, Romance
Composer: Alyakrinsky, Work: Sredi lesov i polya Alyakrinsky[Among forests and fields], Performer: M I VAVICH, Date: 2-10-11
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M I VAVICH
- CatNum: 4-22273
- Num: 15918
- Date: 2-10-11
- Title: Sredi lesov i polya
- Composer: Alyakrinsky
- Trans: [Among forests and fields]
Composer: A Zarema, Work: Pozhar MoskovskiyA Zarema[The Fire of Moscow], Performer: M I VAVICH, Date: 4-10-11
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M I VAVICH
- CatNum: 4-22322
- Num: 15938
- Date: 4-10-11
- Title: Pozhar Moskovskiy
- Composer: A Zarema
- Trans: [The Fire of Moscow]
Composer: Denisev, Work: V chas pechali, toska i somnenyaDenisev[In the hour of sorrow, longing and uncertainty], Performer: M I VAVICH, Date: 4-10-11
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M I VAVICH
- CatNum: 4-22348
- Num: 15939
- Date: 4-10-11
- Title: V chas pechali, toska i somnenya
- Composer: Denisev
- Trans: [In the hour of sorrow, longing and uncertainty]
Composer: V.P.P., Work: Khochesh chto-li, moya radost, tzyganskiy romansV.P.P.[Do you wish, my darling, Gipsy romance] 222(477), Performer: M I VAVICH, Date: 4-10-11
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M I VAVICH
- CatNum: 4-22349
- Num: 15940
- Date: 4-10-11
- Title: Khochesh chto-li, moya radost, tzyganskiy romans
- Composer: V.P.P.
- Trans: [Do you wish, my darling, Gipsy romance] 222(477)
- Note: B2449
Work: Chernogorskaya pesnya[Montenegran song], Performer: M I VAVICH, Date: 4-10-11
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M I VAVICH
- CatNum: 4-22350
- Num: 15941
- Date: 4-10-11
- Title: Chernogorskaya pesnya
- Trans: [Montenegran song]
- Note: X-3-62085
Composer: Valentinov, Work: Koroleva Brilliantov: Spi usni, Kolybelnaya pesnyaValentinov[The Queen of Diamonds: Sleep, fall asleep, Cradle song], Performer: M I VAVICH, Date: 6-10-11
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M I VAVICH
- Head: o
- CatNum: 4-22291
- Num: 15953
- Date: 6-10-11
- Title: Koroleva Brilliantov: Spi usni, Kolybelnaya pesnya
- Composer: Valentinov
- Trans: [The Queen of Diamonds: Sleep, fall asleep, Cradle song]
Composer: Valentinov, Work: Koroleva Brilyantov: Pesnya Olega - Poputal raz starushku grekhValentinov[The Queen of Diamonds: Oleg's song - It was devil's work with that old woman], Performer: M I VAVICH, Date: 6-10-11
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M I VAVICH
- Head: o
- CatNum: 4-22292
- Num: 15958
- Date: 6-10-11
- Title: Koroleva Brilyantov: Pesnya Olega - Poputal raz starushku grekh
- Composer: Valentinov
- Trans: [The Queen of Diamonds: Oleg's song - It was devil's work with that old woman]
Composer: Nelson, Work: Korol Veselitsya: Den ves ya korolNelson[Hoheit amusiert sich: I am King all day], Performer: M I VAVICH, Date: 21-11-11
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M I VAVICH
- Head: o
- CatNum: 4-22359
- Num: 16270
- Date: 21-11-11
- Title: Korol Veselitsya: Den ves ya korol
- Composer: Nelson
- Trans: [Hoheit amusiert sich: I am King all day]
Composer: Nelson, Work: Korol Veselitsya: Zhit u nas v strane opasnoNelson[Hoheit amusiert sich: We live in the land of fear], Performer: M I VAVICH, Date: 21-11-11
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M I VAVICH
- Head: o
- CatNum: 4-22360
- Num: 16271
- Date: 21-11-11
- Title: Korol Veselitsya: Zhit u nas v strane opasno
- Composer: Nelson
- Trans: [Hoheit amusiert sich: We live in the land of fear]