Search Results for M V KOVALENKO
Composer: Glinka, Work: Zhizn za Tzarya: Ariya Antonidy, A1 - Vo slobodke za rekoyGlinka[A Life for the Tzar: In the village beyond the river], Performer: M V KOVALENKO, Date: 19-9-10
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M V KOVALENKO
- Head: o
- CatNum: 2-23502
- Num: 14802
- Date: 19-9-10
- Title: Zhizn za Tzarya: Ariya Antonidy, A1 - Vo slobodke za rekoy
- Composer: Glinka
- Trans: [A Life for the Tzar: In the village beyond the river]
Composer: Glinka, Work: Zhizn za Tzarya: Ariya Antonidy, A3 - Ne o tom skorblyu, podruzhenkiGlinka[A Life for the Tzar: I do not grieve about that], Performer: M V KOVALENKO, Date: 19-9-10
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M V KOVALENKO
- Head: o
- CatNum: 2-23503
- Num: 14803
- Date: 19-9-10
- Title: Zhizn za Tzarya: Ariya Antonidy, A3 - Ne o tom skorblyu, podruzhenki
- Composer: Glinka
- Trans: [A Life for the Tzar: I do not grieve about that]
Composer: Gurilev, Work: Matushka golobushka, pesnyaGurilev[Mother darling, Song], Performer: M V KOVALENKO, Date: 10-11-11
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M V KOVALENKO
- CatNum: 2-23634
- Num: 16235
- Date: 10-11-11
- Title: Matushka golobushka, pesnya
- Composer: Gurilev
- Trans: [Mother darling, Song]
Composer: Lysenko, Work: Doshchik kapae dribnenkoLysenko[The rain falls gently], Performer: M V KOVALENKO, Date: 10-11-11
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M V KOVALENKO
- CatNum: 2-23597
- Num: 16236
- Date: 10-11-11
- Title: Doshchik kapae dribnenko
- Composer: Lysenko
- Trans: [The rain falls gently]
Composer: Baroness B.B., Work: Dremlyut plakuchiya ivi, tzyganskiy romansBaroness B.B.[The weeping willows are asleep, Gipsy romance], Performer: M V KOVALENKO, Date: 10-11-11
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M V KOVALENKO
- CatNum: X-2-63224
- Num: 16237
- Date: 10-11-11
- Title: Dremlyut plakuchiya ivi, tzyganskiy romans
- Composer: Baroness B.B.
- Trans: [The weeping willows are asleep, Gipsy romance]
- Note: 63125
Composer: Chaikovsky, Work: Zabyt tak skoro, romans Op.. No..Chaikovsky[To forget so soon, Romance], Performer: M V KOVALENKO, Date: 10-11-11
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M V KOVALENKO
- CatNum: 2-23599
- Num: 16238
- Date: 10-11-11
- Title: Zabyt tak skoro, romans Op.. No..
- Composer: Chaikovsky
- Trans: [To forget so soon, Romance]
Composer: Glinka, Work: Zhizn za Tzarya: V pole chistoe glyazhu Glinka, Performer: M V KOVALENKO, Date: 17-9-10
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M V KOVALENKO
- Head: o
- Venue: St Petersburg, Russia
- CatNum: 023061
- Num: 2028c
- Date: 17-9-10
- Title: Zhizn za Tzarya: V pole chistoe glyazhu
- Composer: Glinka
- Note: [A Life for the Tzar: I look over the bare field]
Composer: Bizet, Work: Karmen: Ariya Mikaeli Bizet, Performer: M V KOVALENKO, Date: 17-9-10
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M V KOVALENKO
- Head: o
- Venue: St Petersburg, Russia
- CatNum: 023062
- Num: 2029c
- Date: 17-9-10
- Title: Karmen: Ariya Mikaeli
- Composer: Bizet
- Note: [Carmen: Air de Micaela]
Composer: Rimsky-Korsakov, Work: Snegurochka: Ariozo Bermati - Velikiy Tzar Rimsky-Korsakov, Performer: M V KOVALENKO, Date: 4-10-11
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: M V KOVALENKO
- Head: o
- CatNum: 023082
- Num: 2468c
- Date: 4-10-11
- Title: Snegurochka: Ariozo Bermati - Velikiy Tzar
- Composer: Rimsky-Korsakov
- Note: [The Snow Maiden: Great Tzar]