Search Results for N M BARISHEV
Composer: Chaikovsky, Work: Cherevichki: Pesnya DvekChaikovsky[The little Slippers], Performer: N M BARISHEV, Date: -5-12
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: N M BARISHEV
- Num: 16526
- Date: -5-12
- Title: Cherevichki: Pesnya Dvek
- Composer: Chaikovsky
- Trans: [The little Slippers]
Composer: Grechaninov, Work: a) V chistom pole dub stoit; b) Ten, ten, poteten Grechaninov, detskikh pesni[a) In the bare field stood an oak; Children's songs], Performer: N M BARISHEV, Date: 12-12-12
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: N M BARISHEV
- Head: p
- CatNum: X-3-62137
- Num: 17105
- Date: 12-12-12
- Title: a) V chistom pole dub stoit; b) Ten, ten, poteten
- Composer: Grechaninov
- Title: , detskikh pesni
- Trans: [a) In the bare field stood an oak; Children's songs]
Composer: Cui, Work: a) Petushok ; b) Zaika Cui, detskikh pesni[a) The cockerel; b) The little hare, Children’s songs], Performer: N M BARISHEV, Date: 12-12-12
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: N M BARISHEV
- Head: p
- Num: 17106
- Date: 12-12-12
- Title: a) Petushok ; b) Zaika
- Composer: Cui
- Title: , detskikh pesni
- Trans: [a) The cockerel; b) The little hare, Children’s songs]
Composer: Chaikovsky, Work: Cherevichki: Pesenka shkolnago ushitelyaChaikovsky[The little Slippers: Song of a teacher], Performer: N M BARISHEV, Date: 12-12-12
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: N M BARISHEV
- Head: p
- CatNum: X-3-62138
- Num: 17107
- Date: 12-12-12
- Title: Cherevichki: Pesenka shkolnago ushitelya
- Composer: Chaikovsky
- Trans: [The little Slippers: Song of a teacher]
Work: Bylo u teshchenki semero zyater, Narodnaya shutochkaya pesnya, Performer: N M BARISHEV, Date: 12-12-12
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: N M BARISHEV
- Head: p
- CatNum: X-3-62159
- Num: 17108
- Date: 12-12-12
- Title: Bylo u teshchenki semero zyater, Narodnaya shutochkaya pesnya
Composer: Cui, Work: a) Zayka; b) Petushok, Detskikh pesniCui[a) The leveret; b; The cockerel, Children's songs], Performer: N M BARISHEV, Date: 17-3-13
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: N M BARISHEV
- Head: p
- CatNum: X-3-62182
- Num: 17245
- Date: 17-3-13
- Title: a) Zayka; b) Petushok, Detskikh pesni
- Composer: Cui
- Trans: [a) The leveret; b; The cockerel, Children's songs]
Composer: Olenek, Work: Kak laptishchi to na em, Derevenskaya pesnyaOlenek[Village song], Performer: N M BARISHEV, Date: 17-3-13
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: N M BARISHEV
- Head: p
- CatNum: X-3-62160
- Num: 17246
- Date: 17-3-13
- Title: Kak laptishchi to na em, Derevenskaya pesnya
- Composer: Olenek
- Trans: [Village song]
Composer: Varlamov, Work: Kozyol, pesnyaVarlamov[The goat, Song], Performer: N M BARISHEV, Date: 17-3-13
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: N M BARISHEV
- Head: p
- CatNum: 4-22491
- Num: 17247
- Date: 17-3-13
- Title: Kozyol, pesnya
- Composer: Varlamov
- Trans: [The goat, Song]
- Note: P45
Composer: Cui, Work: Volk i Mishenoki Svinya, Basni KrilovaCui[The Wolf, the Mouse and the Pigs, Krilov fables], Performer: N M BARISHEV, Date: 17-3-13
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: N M BARISHEV
- Head: p
- CatNum: 222167
- Num: 17248
- Date: 17-3-13
- Title: Volk i Mishenoki Svinya, Basni Krilova
- Composer: Cui
- Trans: [The Wolf, the Mouse and the Pigs, Krilov fables]
Composer: Rubinstein, Work: Osel i Solovey, basnya KrilovaRubinstein[The Ass and the Nightingale, Krilov fable], Performer: N M BARISHEV, Date: 17-3-13
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: N M BARISHEV
- Head: p
- CatNum: 222168
- Num: 17249
- Date: 17-3-13
- Title: Osel i Solovey, basnya Krilova
- Composer: Rubinstein
- Trans: [The Ass and the Nightingale, Krilov fable]
Composer: Cui, Work: Svat i zhenikhCui[The matchmaker and the suitor], Performer: N M BARISHEV, Date: 17-3-13
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: N M BARISHEV
- Head: p
- CatNum: 4-22813
- Num: 17250
- Date: 17-3-13
- Title: Svat i zhenikh
- Composer: Cui
- Trans: [The matchmaker and the suitor]
Composer: With Harmonica By BARISHEV, Work: Vavila, narodnaya yumoristicheskaya pesnyawith harmonica by BARISHEV[Vavila, comic folk song], Performer: N M BARISHEV, Date: 17-3-13
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: N M BARISHEV
- Head: p
- CatNum: 4-22492
- Num: 17251
- Date: 17-3-13
- Title: Vavila, narodnaya yumoristicheskaya pesnya
- Composer: with harmonica by BARISHEV
- Trans: [Vavila, comic folk song]
Composer: Rubinstein, Work: Strekoza i muravey, basnyaRubinstein[The dragonfly and the ant, A fable], Performer: N M BARISHEV, Date: 18-3-13
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: N M BARISHEV
- Head: p
- CatNum: X-3-62183
- Num: 17252
- Date: 18-3-13
- Title: Strekoza i muravey, basnya
- Composer: Rubinstein
- Trans: [The dragonfly and the ant, A fable]
Composer: Rubinstein, Work: Kvartet, basnyaRubinstein[Quartet, Fable], Performer: N M BARISHEV, Date: 18-3-13
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: N M BARISHEV
- Head: p
- CatNum: 4-22814
- Num: 17253
- Date: 18-3-13
- Title: Kvartet, basnya
- Composer: Rubinstein
- Trans: [Quartet, Fable]
Composer: F Y Benoit, Work: Bobilya: Stepan-Bobil, Ariya opera Bobilya F Y Benoit [Chastnaya. zapis u isenya N M Barishev][Bobilya: Stepan-Bobil, Aria from the opera], Performer: N M BARISHEV, Date: 18-3-13
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: N M BARISHEV
- Head: p
- Num: 17254
- Date: 18-3-13
- Title: Bobilya: Stepan-Bobil, Ariya opera Bobilya
- Composer: F Y Benoit
- Title: [Chastnaya. zapis u isenya N M Barishev]
- Trans: [Bobilya: Stepan-Bobil, Aria from the opera]
Composer: F Y Benoit, Work: Bobilya: Pesnya BobilyaF Y Benoit, Performer: N M BARISHEV, Date: 18-3-13
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: N M BARISHEV
- Head: p
- Num: 17255
- Date: 18-3-13
- Title: Bobilya: Pesnya Bobilya
- Composer: F Y Benoit
- Note: Bobilya: Bobil’s song
Composer: Cui, Work: Volk, i Mishenok i Svinya, Basni krilovaCuiThe Wolf, the Mouse and the Pigs, Fable, Performer: N M BARISHEV, Date: 17-3-13
Catalogue: Kelly, Russian HMV
- Performer: N M BARISHEV
- Head: p
- Venue: St Petersburg, Russia
- CatNum: 222167
- Num: 17248b
- Date: 17-3-13
- Title: Volk, i Mishenok i Svinya, Basni krilova
- Composer: Cui
- Trans: The Wolf, the Mouse and the Pigs, Fable
- Note: B 2017
Composer: Rubinstein, Work: Osel i solovey,Basnya krilovaRubinsteinThe Ass and the Nightingale, Fable, Performer: N M BARISHEV, Date: 17-3-13
Catalogue: Kelly, Russian HMV
- Performer: N M BARISHEV
- Head: p
- Venue: St Petersburg, Russia
- CatNum: 222168
- Num: 17249b
- Date: 17-3-13
- Title: Osel i solovey,Basnya krilova
- Composer: Rubinstein
- Trans: The Ass and the Nightingale, Fable
- Note: B 2017
Composer: Varlamov, Work: Kozel, PesnyaVarlamovThe goat, Song with piano, Performer: N M BARISHEV, Date: 17-3-13
Catalogue: Kelly, Russian HMV
- Performer: N M BARISHEV
- Venue: St Petersburg
- CatNum: 4-22491
- Num: 17247b
- Date: 17-3-13
- Title: Kozel, Pesnya
- Composer: Varlamov
- Trans: The goat, Song with piano
- Note: P 45
Work: Vavila, Narodniy yumoristichnaya pesnya[Babel], humorous folk song with harmonica BARISHEV, Performer: N M BARISHEV, Date: 17-3-13
Catalogue: Kelly, Russian HMV
- Performer: N M BARISHEV
- Venue: St Petersburg
- CatNum: 4-22492
- Num: 17251b
- Date: 17-3-13
- Title: Vavila, Narodniy yumoristichnaya pesnya
- Trans: [Babel], humorous folk song with harmonica BARISHEV
- Note: P 45